New Directions Training

New Directions Training now offer online courses of all types and will be adding new self-study and eLearning courses over the coming months. Please take a look at our company feedback which has been excellent in all are

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This course will give you an understanding of what safeguarding children entails and how you fit into the process. We will cover the reasons why safeguarding is so important, how safeguarding affects your role and your perceived involvement within safeguarding.  This course will also look at how to protect children from abuse and neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development and finally, ensuring that children receive safe and effective care. Read more

Welcome to your eLearning course which will help you understand your role and responsibilities in terms of safeguarding children and protecting them from abuse and harm. The aim of this course is to develop your understanding of safeguarding and child protection, and identify your responsibilities for keeping children safe. Health Warning: Due to the nature of this course, some of the content can be very upsetting. This may have an emotional effect on some learners.  You are taking this course with this understanding and agree that New Directions have given prior warning of the subject matter.  Read more

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